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2007. szept. 22.
Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu by the 13 dan Shihan David Holt as taught by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi. WE HAVE MOVED TO VACI UT 19 XIII Ker.
Bujinkan Ginrei Arashi Tennin Dojo
If you hear good or bad about us, use your own brain and your own choice to come see for yourself!
Hozzászólások | 8
2010-10-22 19:02:29

We have moved to the NEW Sport Templom, Vaci Ut 19 in XIII Ker. If you hear GOOD or BAD about us we ask you to use your OWN brain and your OWN choice to come see for yourself what we are doing, THIS IS WHAT IS REAL NOT WHAT LOOKS GOOD.

2009-06-05 08:27:20

UPDATE - David Holt was promoted by Grandmaster Hatsumi to the new rank of Shihan 10 in December 2008.

2007-11-19 12:17:19

Thanks for your words HOWEVER if you cant write good things about others then dont write anything at all. I seen your comments about another instructor here and I dont like what you wrote. You want to be honest fine but if you need to be rude then you are no SHIHAN. Be nice or be gone

2007-10-20 01:26:23

Hello Ginrei Dojo, I looked at your video and I see you must be training in Japan much more. Although your size is big I think you have a good felling here. Good job! But I dont understand one point, do you teach in Hungary or Austria? Thanks for the video and keep going. 13 dan M.J.

2007-10-18 19:33:05

C.R.Boris, Thanks, well we have a clear heart and we love training, this is why we do it so much.
GINREI!!!! HAHAH I love it, your nuts!!--))))
Pion, thanks for the nice words. The song if you dont know is called "Set me free" by the band Velvet Revolver.
BTW - This was video taped in Wels Austria, thanks to Oliver and Chris for the great time!

2007-10-11 00:41:43

Ja, amúgy magyar vagyok. :D

2007-10-11 00:17:14

Wow! Now this looks professional! The music is good also!:D

2007-10-10 23:53:22

GREAT JOB! I feel good training with you and there is always something new I have to discover for myself every training. We are with you Dave! GINREI!!!

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